
25 lb

Pro Start 2-3-3

An excellent choice for root crops, legume vegetables, perennials, flowering shrubs, mature fruit trees, legume hay (as a summer topdress), and as a starter fertilizer for any kind of seed or transplant. Many of our landscape customers use Pro-Start 2-3-3 exclusively for all of their new installations.


50 lb

Pro Start 2-3-3

An excellent choice for root crops, legume vegetables, perennials, flowering shrubs, mature fruit trees, legume hay (as a summer topdress), and as a starter fertilizer for any kind of seed or transplant. Many of our landscape customers use Pro-Start 2-3-3 exclusively for all of their new installations.


25 lb

Pro Gro 5-3-4

A high nutrient blend of natural ingredients that plants and trees respond to with rapid and sustained growth, making it the most popular blend of nurserymen, landscapers, fruit and vegetable growers, and farmers.


50 lb

Pro Gro 5-3-4

A high nutrient blend of natural ingredients that plants and trees respond to with rapid and sustained growth, making it the most popular blend of nurserymen, landscapers, fruit and vegetable growers, and farmers.


50 lbs

Cotton Seed Meal

Cotton Seed Meal is the ground meal from cottonseeds after the cottonseed oil has been extracted. Its analysis is 6-2-1. The nitrogen is almost 85 percent water insoluble. Cottonseed meal will acidify soil at a value of 9-lbs CaCO3 (calcium carbonate or pure lime) per 100-lbs.

Lime (Pulverized)

$4.46/50 lb bag

Lime (Pelletized)

$5.65/50 lb bag


$10.99/50 lb bag


$11.99/50 lb bag


$15.25/50 lb bag


$16.00/50 lb bag


$14.49/50 lb bag


$12.80/50 lb bag

Prices subject to change without notice.

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